Cách tạo nhiều cột trong Google Docs bằng mẫu được thiết kế

Cách Tạo Nhiều Cột trong Google Docs Với Mẫu

Khi bạn viết cho một tờ báo, tạp chí, hoặc chuẩn bị một tờ rơi, bản tin, hoặc tờ quảng cáo trong Google Docs, bạn cần sử dụng cột để chia văn bản thành hai hoặc ba phần trong tài liệu. Google Docs cung cấp một chức năng Cột tích hợp để phân chia các phần của tài liệu của bạn thành hai hoặc ba cột. Quan trọng hơn, bạn có thể tạo một mẫu Google Docs với các cột để sử dụng lặp đi lặp lại. Đọc tiếp để biết cách tạo cột trong Google Docs bằng cách sử dụng các mẫu.

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Nguồn: https://manualmentor.com/how-to-make-multiple-columns-in-google-docs-with-templates.html?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=how-to-make-multiple-columns-in-google-docs-with-templates

When you are writing for a newspaper, magazine, or preparing a brochure, newsletter, or flyer in Google Docs, you need to use columns to split the text into two or three parts in the document. Google Docs offers a built-in Column function to separate parts of your document up into two or three columns. More importantly, you can create a Google Docs template with columns to rinse and repeat. Read along to learn to make columns in Google Docs using templates.

Make Column in Google Docs

We are going to showcase the native method and a useful trick to convert your Google Doc document into a template so that you don’t have to use the Column function every time to make adjustments. 

1. Use the Default Google Docs Method on Web

It’s quite easy to make a column in Google Docs. In the example below, we are using a dummy Google Docs document and the screenshots will be text-heavy for obvious reasons. 

Follow the steps below. 

1. Open Google Docs document. 

2. Click on Format option in the menu bar. 

click format in google docs

3. Select Columns from the drop-down menu. 

select column

By default, Google Docs only offer two or three columns to choose from. Select the relevant option and you will see live changes in the document. 

You can also select More Options and customize the column visuals. 

google column options

Users can widen/shorten the gap between columns and even add visual lines between two columns. 

2. Make Columns in Google Docs Mobile Apps

One can also make columns in Google Docs using the Android and iOS mobile apps. Follow the steps below. 

1. Open Google Docs on your mobile and open a document. 

2. Tap on the Edit button at the bottom and open the editing interface. 

edit google docs

3. Move to the Layout menu. 

4. Here you can make columns, change column spacing, add a line between columns, and even change column direction.  

add column in google docs  mobile

If you frequently need to use the Column function in Google Docs, you can create a dedicated column template.

3. Create a Google Docs Column Template

The mobile and web tricks above are sufficient for those using the Column feature once in a while. But if your daily workflow requires you to work with columns all the time in Google Docs, you need to save the document as a template. 

By doing that, you can simply open the template and start writing in Google Docs with your preferred column settings. 

Here’s how to set it up. 

1. Open a blank Google Doc document. 

2. Go to Format > Column and select your preferred style and make adjustments. 

add column adjustments

3. Give the document a relevant name such as ‘Column Template’ and Move it to a specific place in the Google Drive folder. 

save template in google drive

4. The next time, when you want to use the Column style in Google Docs, you can simply navigate to the saved template location in Google Drive. 

5. Select the recently saved Google Docs Column Template and right-click on it. 

6. Select Make a copy from the context menu. 

make a copy of template in google docs

7. Google Drive will make a copy of the document. 

8. Open the Google Docs document and start firing up words. 

You don’t need to make any extra adjustments to the document. It will automatically create columns based on your saved settings in the template. 

From now on, wherever you need to compose a document using columns in Google Docs, simply create a copy from the saved template in Google Drive and you are good to go. 

FAQ: Columns in Google Docs

How to Make Columns in Google Docs Mobile Apps?

Open the editing interface in Google Docs mobile app and go to the Layout option to make columns. 

How to Move Columns in Google Docs?

Google Docs isn’t a block-based software like Notion. You can’t move around columns in the app. 

How to Switch Between Columns in Google Docs?

There is no direct keyboard shortcut to move between columns in Google Docs. You will have to treat them as a normal paragraph and move among them using a mouse or trackpad. 

Can I Make More Than Three Columns in Google Docs?

Right now, users can only create up to three columns in Google Docs. There is no way to create four columns in Google Docs. 

How to Insert Column Break in Google Docs?

Head to Insert > Break > Column Break and Google Docs will add a Column break in the document. 

Wrapping Up: Make Columns in Google Docs

Adjusting text in columns in Google Docs gives you a visual representation of your upcoming newsletter or magazine article.

It’s quite easy to create columns in Google Docs. If you use it frequently then we would strongly advise making a custom template for columns in Google Docs.

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